
Capstone 1 – The Idea

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Here I will talk about my inpirations for my Capstone Project

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Join me in my tent, as I reveal the depths of my heart.

Let’s be surrounded
by the mystery of nature and let our minds wander through time of the
past, present, and future.

What are the desires, the fears, the unknown?

Lay down, rest, and be… Let your mind wander free… And let my
thoughts introduce you to me.

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          My story structure starts by realizing the place around us and where we are at. Attuning the audience to the surrounding environment of the tent and what is inside the tent and what is outside the tent. I want to start simple and small as the audience adjusts to the area and the content given to them from the sounds, dark tent setting, an unfamiliar place and learn to feel more comfortable in it. From there I want to slowly add videos of small things in nature, video overlays, light and shadow while the poem
starts revolving around the idea of “I remember”.

          The narrative trajectory is to relate emotions, experiences, and ideas of the past four years in my college existence to the audience in hope to spark some resemblance, empathy, remembrance of a time in their life as well. I want people to connect to this moment of realizing about themselves and relating to another. I want them to disconnect from the world for a moment and be alone in their thoughts, but not truly alone knowing that there is something deeper going on in their thoughts and something relatable about their experiences and emotions as to mine and the others who are in the tent. I would hope to unfold more content and harder questions as the piece goes, but I would want to end in a way that is pleasant but still questioning. Satisfied, but still wanting more. I want them to take this experience and keep applying their thoughts into ways they can reflect
and connect throughout their life. And maybe encourage them to find a tent of their own, a place they feel they can escape or even to come home, where they can think and be free from things, a place where they can just be.


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